We are pleased that you are interested in being considered for a position with The Photography Workshop. We have an excellent company in which to work, and we are continually seeking outstanding people to join our staff.
To become an active candidate for a teaching position you will need to submit ALL of the following items before your application will be considered for approval: *Employment application, resume, 3 current reference letters, *state police clearance (Act 34), *fingerprinting clearance (Act 114), * child abuse clearance (Act 151), *I-9 form, *W-4 form, and *Health form (requiring only TB test).
(Items with an asterisk* can be printed by clicking the appropriate link below.)
The Photography Workshop is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, and handicap in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504.
If you have any questions about our application procedures, please feel free to contact us at (484) 604-2004. We look forward to considering your application for employment.
Please submit the previously mentioned materials to:
The Photography Workshop
PO Box 1657
West Chester, PA 19380-1657
1. Employment Application
2. Act 24 Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification
3. Act 34 Clearance (State Police Clearance)
4. Act 114 Clearance (Fingerprinting) Instructions
5. Act 151 Clearance (Child Abuse Clearance)