What is the cost of your kids summer camps?

Our camps are between $249.00-$549.00 per weekly camp with the exception of the "Travel" camp which is $699.00 (5-Day camp).

Does my child need to bring a camera to summer camp?

Most everything we teach in our camps will be best suited to a DSLR camera with a removable memory card and interchangeable lenses.  Many of the techniques covered and taught in these camps require your child be able to change setting manually to achieve the best results. We will provide several DSLR cameras for all campers to share, so they do not need to bring their own camera. However, if your child already has a DSLR camera and and wants to learn how to use it, then we encourage them to use it. If you child does not have their own DSLR camera and you wish for them to have their own to use during and after camp, one can be rented from

Does my child need to have any prior experience?

Your child does not need to have any prior experience or knowledge to take any camp. Our camp leaders will provide instruction, educational material, individual guidance and fun filled exercises to lead your child down the road to successful photography.

Can my child keep the photographs they take at camp?

Yes, of course.  We will make their images available in an on-line gallery where they can download them if they wish.

What are the ages for the Camps?

We offer camps to Kids ages 7 - 16 years of age depending on the camp.

How do I register my child for a camp?

You may register for a camp on-line by clicking on the "Registration" button above.

Where are the camps held at?

The Photography Workshop Summer Photography Camps will be held at various venues through out the area and include: East Goshen Township Park, West Chester, Chester Spring, Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square , Huseur Park in Limerick Township and Swarthmore College.

Can a parent attend a camp with their child?

Most children will feel more comfortable expressing their creativity on their own. However, if for some reason you wish to attend with your child, please contact us with your concerns.

For the Teen Travel Photography camp, a parent is welcomed to join us on our journey.  However, to cover expenses the parent will be required to pay the same camp fee as the child. We will of course provide you with the same outstanding experience as we'll provide your child, including all transportation, photography knowledge. Please let us know at time of registration if you will be joining your child.

Health & Safety?

Constantly Raising the Level of Consciousness About Safety

Effective Outdoor Leaders must constantly upgrade their safety, environmental, educational, and risk management practices. Our approach to safety and risk management is entwined with competence, sound judgment, and purposeful, substantial programming. Our staff implicitly guides every action and interaction, to reduce accident potential. Our staff is both CPR and FirstAid trained.

At camp it truly comes down to this:
If there is a situation where safety would be compromised, it is a situation in which we will not participate.

Poison Ivy, Poison Sumac, and Ticks – Oh My!

On the first day of each outdoor camp, each child is shown poison ivy, poison sumac, and jewel weed (Touch-me-Not), a remedy for poison ivy. We discuss the functions of these co-inhabitants of our environment, and what to do when we encounter them.

For more information on what to do after a suspected tick bite.

The same procedure applies to ticks, both the deer tick and the larger brown tick. Children learn how to perform a tick check. The same tick check should be performed at home. Wash and heat-dry all clothing, including shoes, at the end of each day.  The combination of our in-camp procedures, and your follow-up at home, will provide a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable summer.

Please pass a Band-Aid©!

Bumps, scratches, bruises, and bug bites unfortunately do happen. Most are superficial and will be treated appropriately along with a notification to the parent. While these are minor medical needs, our staff will call and touch base with you to be certain you are aware of the incident and its details.

If an accident or illness occurs that needs further attention, the appropriate steps will be taken and the parents will be notified immediately.


If a child has a know allergy it is the parents responsibility to make sure the child comes to camp equipped to deal with it.  Please be sure to list all medications on the registration health form. Parents should send a child to camp with an epi-pen or inhaler if appropriate.